My TOP 12 Mommy/Baby Items Right Now

Becoming a new mother in this day and age where Tik Tok exists and everyone is constantly selling you on things you need to prepare you for the hardest and most important role of your life; it’s so easy to get caught up and buy everything, thinking your baby will not be well taken care of if I don’t have it all. I vowed not to be that mother and buy excessively. I’m buying as I go to ensure it is an absolute need because babies are not one size fits all. What one baby may like, my baby may not and this mentality has served me well. Every purchase has been intentional and has been useful for daily use thus far. Here are my top 12 absolute necessary products I use and need daily.

Mom Cozy M5 Hands Free Breast Pump - As a new mom who breast feeds exclusively this hands free pump goes with me everywhere, it’s the only breast pump I invested in and it has done right by me and baby thus far. It’s super easy to use and clean and I love the modern design, it blends seamlessly under my clothes.

Bobby Nursing Pillow - I literally can’t get through a day or night without my Bobby pillow. I use it to support my back or my arm while I’m nursing. I use it during our naps together to ensure my baby’s head support is safe while she’s on my arm. My baby also enjoys tummy time on the bobby pillow. It has truly helped me so much.

Cotton Muslin Burp Cloths - Without a doubt I have these cloths everywhere to clean my baby’s mouth whether it’s a big drool or a heavy throw up. They clean very good in the wash and managed to stay white and as good as new every time. Also comes in handy during our bath time.

Dr Browns Bottle Sterilizer & Dryer - I’ve never tried another so can’t compare it to any other but it has been easy to use and clean and sterilizes and dries baby bottles very fast. Hasn’t failed me yet.

Frida Mom Nose Picker - This nose picker works so good for picking dried up mucus that the finger cannot reach, most days my baby doesn’t even realize it’s in the nose. Doesn’t irritate at all.

Diaper Caddy - Our caddy travels everywhere around the house with my baby, it’s been so convenient to have everything in one place especially during diaper change emergencies. All my babies daily needs are in the caddy so no fussing around for things. Keeps everything organized.

Water Wipes - This goes without saying but definitely 10/10 - I go through one pack in 3-4 days so I have these on my Amazon subscription monthly.

Angelcare Baby Bath Support - Can’t have bath time without this, my baby sits in it comfortably. Sometimes my baby even sits in it and watches me have a shower. Such a simple, lightweight design yet very effective in our household.

Electronic Nail Filer - Safe to say my baby grows claw nails so every few days I have to file them down to avoid scratches on my baby’s face. There are age stages so it’s been very safe and easy to use.

Mustela Cleansing Water - For a little refresher and combat any rashes/ baby ache this has been a life saver. Clears up in just a couple days.

Baby Bjorn Carrier - I cannot function without this carrier. I have a Velcro baby so we do everything together. It has made my days easier to get things done during the day. Otherwise we’d be stuck in bed.

Earth Mama Organic Nipple Butter - I never knew how much I needed it until I ran out of it. It has saved my nips from being cracked and dry during pump sessions and nursing.


A/W Body Care Favs and Routine